Interface INodeAnimateProps<SC>

Properties used to animate() a Node

Type Parameters


  • Omit<CoreNodeAnimateProps, "shaderProps">
    • INodeAnimateProps


alpha: number

The alpha opacity of the Node.


The alpha value is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque.



color: number

The color of the Node.


The color value is a number in the format 0xRRGGBBAA, where RR is the red component, GG is the green component, BB is the blue component, and AA is the alpha component.

Gradient colors may be set by setting the different color sub-properties: colorTop, colorBottom, colorLeft, colorRight, colorTl, colorTr, colorBr, colorBl accordingly.


0xffffffff (opaque white)

colorBl: number

The color of the bottom-left corner of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorBottom: number

The color of the bottom edge of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorBr: number

The color of the bottom-right corner of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorLeft: number

The color of the left edge of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorRight: number

The color of the right edge of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorTl: number

The color of the top-left corner of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorTop: number

The color of the top edge of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorTr: number

The color of the top-right corner of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

height: number

The height of the Node.



mount: number

Combined position of the Node's Mount Point


The value can be any number between 0.0 and 1.0:

  • 0.0 defines the Mount Point at the top-left corner of the Node.
  • 0.5 defines it at the center of the Node.
  • 1.0 defines it at the bottom-right corner of the node.

Use the mountX and mountY props seperately for more control of the Mount Point.

When assigned, the same value is also passed to both the mountX and mountY props.


0 (top-left)
mountX: number

X position of the Node's Mount Point


The value can be any number between 0.0 and 1.0:

  • 0.0 defines the Mount Point's X position as the left-most edge of the Node
  • 0.5 defines it as the horizontal center of the Node
  • 1.0 defines it as the right-most edge of the Node.

The combination of mountX and mountY define the Mount Point


0 (left-most edge)
mountY: number

Y position of the Node's Mount Point


The value can be any number between 0.0 and 1.0:

  • 0.0 defines the Mount Point's Y position as the top-most edge of the Node
  • 0.5 defines it as the vertical center of the Node
  • 1.0 defines it as the bottom-most edge of the Node.

The combination of mountX and mountY define the Mount Point


0 (top-most edge)
pivot: number

Combined position of the Node's Pivot Point


The value can be any number between 0.0 and 1.0:

  • 0.0 defines the Pivot Point at the top-left corner of the Node.
  • 0.5 defines it at the center of the Node.
  • 1.0 defines it at the bottom-right corner of the node.

Use the pivotX and pivotY props seperately for more control of the Pivot Point.

When assigned, the same value is also passed to both the pivotX and pivotY props.


0.5 (center)
pivotX: number

X position of the Node's Pivot Point


The value can be any number between 0.0 and 1.0:

  • 0.0 defines the Pivot Point's X position as the left-most edge of the Node
  • 0.5 defines it as the horizontal center of the Node
  • 1.0 defines it as the right-most edge of the Node.

The combination of pivotX and pivotY define the Pivot Point


0.5 (centered on x-axis)
pivotY: number

Y position of the Node's Pivot Point


The value can be any number between 0.0 and 1.0:

  • 0.0 defines the Pivot Point's Y position as the top-most edge of the Node
  • 0.5 defines it as the vertical center of the Node
  • 1.0 defines it as the bottom-most edge of the Node.

The combination of pivotX and pivotY define the Pivot Point


0.5 (centered on y-axis)
rotation: number

Rotation of the Node (in Radians)


Sets the amount to rotate the Node by around it's Pivot Point (defined by the pivot props). Positive values rotate the Node clockwise, while negative values rotate it counter-clockwise.

Example values:

  • -Math.PI / 2: 90 degree rotation counter-clockwise
  • 0: No rotation
  • Math.PI / 2: 90 degree rotation clockwise
  • Math.PI: 180 degree rotation clockwise
  • 3 * Math.PI / 2: 270 degree rotation clockwise
  • 2 * Math.PI: 360 rotation clockwise
scale: number

Scale to render the Node at


The scale value multiplies the provided width and height of the Node around the Node's Pivot Point (defined by the pivot props).

Behind the scenes, setting this property sets both the scaleX and scaleY props to the same value.

NOTE: When the scaleX and scaleY props are explicitly set to different values, this property returns null. Setting null on this property will have no effect.


scaleX: number

Scale to render the Node at (X-Axis)


The scaleX value multiplies the provided width of the Node around the Node's Pivot Point (defined by the pivot props).


scaleY: number

Scale to render the Node at (Y-Axis)


The scaleY value multiplies the provided height of the Node around the Node's Pivot Point (defined by the pivot props).


shaderProps: Partial<SC["props"]>
srcHeight?: number

The height of the rectangle from which the Image Texture will be extracted. This value can be negative. If not provided, the image's source natural height will be used.

srcWidth?: number

She width of the rectangle from which the Image Texture will be extracted. This value can be negative. If not provided, the image's source natural width will be used.

srcX?: number

The x coordinate of the reference point of the rectangle from which the Texture will be extracted. width and height are provided. And only works when createImageBitmap is available. Only works when createImageBitmap is supported on the browser.

srcY?: number

The y coordinate of the reference point of the rectangle from which the Texture will be extracted. Only used when source srcWidth width and srcHeight height are provided. Only works when createImageBitmap is supported on the browser.

width: number

The width of the Node.



x: number

The x coordinate of the Node's Mount Point.


See mountX and mountY for more information about setting the Mount Point.



y: number

The y coordinate of the Node's Mount Point.


See mountX and mountY for more information about setting the Mount Point.



zIndex: number

The Node's z-index.



zIndexLocked: number

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