Interface INodeProps<SC>

Properties used to create a new Node

Type Parameters


  • Omit<CoreNodeProps, "shader" | "parent">
    • INodeProps


alpha: number

The alpha opacity of the Node.


The alpha value is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque.



autosize: boolean

Autosize mode


When enabled, when a texture is loaded into the Node, the Node will automatically resize to the dimensions of the texture.

Text Nodes are always autosized based on their text content regardless of this mode setting.



clipping: boolean

Clipping Mode


Enable Clipping Mode when you want to prevent the drawing of a Node and its descendants from overflowing outside of the Node's x/y/width/height bounds.

For WebGL, clipping is implemented using the high-performance WebGL operation scissor. As a consequence, clipping does not work for non-rectangular areas. So, if the element is rotated (by itself or by any of its ancestors), clipping will not work as intended.

TODO: Add support for non-rectangular clipping either automatically or via Render-To-Texture.



color: number

The color of the Node.


The color value is a number in the format 0xRRGGBBAA, where RR is the red component, GG is the green component, BB is the blue component, and AA is the alpha component.

Gradient colors may be set by setting the different color sub-properties: colorTop, colorBottom, colorLeft, colorRight, colorTl, colorTr, colorBr, colorBl accordingly.


0xffffffff (opaque white)

colorBl: number

The color of the bottom-left corner of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorBottom: number

The color of the bottom edge of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorBr: number

The color of the bottom-right corner of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorLeft: number

The color of the left edge of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorRight: number

The color of the right edge of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorTl: number

The color of the top-left corner of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorTop: number

The color of the top edge of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

colorTr: number

The color of the top-right corner of the Node for gradient rendering.


See color for more information about color values and gradient rendering.

data?: CustomDataMap

Node data element for custom data storage (optional)


This property is used to store custom data on the Node as a key/value data store. Data values are limited to string, numbers, booleans. Strings will be truncated to a 2048 character limit for performance reasons.

This is not a data storage mechanism for large amounts of data please use a dedicated data storage mechanism for that.

The custom data will be reflected in the inspector as part of data-* attributes



height: number

The height of the Node.



imageType?: null | "svg" | "regular" | "compressed"

Image Type to explicitly set the image type that is being loaded


This property must be used with a src that points at an image. In some cases the extension doesn't provide a reliable representation of the image type. In such cases set the ImageType explicitly.

regular is used for normal images such as png, jpg, etc compressed is used for ETC1/ETC2 compressed images with a PVR or KTX container svg is used for scalable vector graphics



mount: number

Combined position of the Node's Mount Point


The value can be any number between 0.0 and 1.0:

  • 0.0 defines the Mount Point at the top-left corner of the Node.
  • 0.5 defines it at the center of the Node.
  • 1.0 defines it at the bottom-right corner of the node.

Use the mountX and mountY props seperately for more control of the Mount Point.

When assigned, the same value is also passed to both the mountX and mountY props.


0 (top-left)
mountX: number

X position of the Node's Mount Point


The value can be any number between 0.0 and 1.0:

  • 0.0 defines the Mount Point's X position as the left-most edge of the Node
  • 0.5 defines it as the horizontal center of the Node
  • 1.0 defines it as the right-most edge of the Node.

The combination of mountX and mountY define the Mount Point


0 (left-most edge)
mountY: number

Y position of the Node's Mount Point


The value can be any number between 0.0 and 1.0:

  • 0.0 defines the Mount Point's Y position as the top-most edge of the Node
  • 0.5 defines it as the vertical center of the Node
  • 1.0 defines it as the bottom-most edge of the Node.

The combination of mountX and mountY define the Mount Point


0 (top-most edge)
parent: null | INode<BaseShaderController>
pivot: number

Combined position of the Node's Pivot Point


The value can be any number between 0.0 and 1.0:

  • 0.0 defines the Pivot Point at the top-left corner of the Node.
  • 0.5 defines it at the center of the Node.
  • 1.0 defines it at the bottom-right corner of the node.

Use the pivotX and pivotY props seperately for more control of the Pivot Point.

When assigned, the same value is also passed to both the pivotX and pivotY props.


0.5 (center)
pivotX: number

X position of the Node's Pivot Point


The value can be any number between 0.0 and 1.0:

  • 0.0 defines the Pivot Point's X position as the left-most edge of the Node
  • 0.5 defines it as the horizontal center of the Node
  • 1.0 defines it as the right-most edge of the Node.

The combination of pivotX and pivotY define the Pivot Point


0.5 (centered on x-axis)
pivotY: number

Y position of the Node's Pivot Point


The value can be any number between 0.0 and 1.0:

  • 0.0 defines the Pivot Point's Y position as the top-most edge of the Node
  • 0.5 defines it as the vertical center of the Node
  • 1.0 defines it as the bottom-most edge of the Node.

The combination of pivotX and pivotY define the Pivot Point


0.5 (centered on y-axis)
preventCleanup: boolean

Whether to prevent the node from being cleaned up


rotation: number

Rotation of the Node (in Radians)


Sets the amount to rotate the Node by around it's Pivot Point (defined by the pivot props). Positive values rotate the Node clockwise, while negative values rotate it counter-clockwise.

Example values:

  • -Math.PI / 2: 90 degree rotation counter-clockwise
  • 0: No rotation
  • Math.PI / 2: 90 degree rotation clockwise
  • Math.PI: 180 degree rotation clockwise
  • 3 * Math.PI / 2: 270 degree rotation clockwise
  • 2 * Math.PI: 360 rotation clockwise
rtt: boolean

Whether the Node is rendered to a texture




scale: null | number

Scale to render the Node at


The scale value multiplies the provided width and height of the Node around the Node's Pivot Point (defined by the pivot props).

Behind the scenes, setting this property sets both the scaleX and scaleY props to the same value.

NOTE: When the scaleX and scaleY props are explicitly set to different values, this property returns null. Setting null on this property will have no effect.


scaleX: number

Scale to render the Node at (X-Axis)


The scaleX value multiplies the provided width of the Node around the Node's Pivot Point (defined by the pivot props).


scaleY: number

Scale to render the Node at (Y-Axis)


The scaleY value multiplies the provided height of the Node around the Node's Pivot Point (defined by the pivot props).


shader: SC
src: null | string

Image URL


When set, the Node's texture is automatically set to an ImageTexture using the source image URL provided (with all other settings being defaults)

srcHeight?: number

The height of the rectangle from which the Image Texture will be extracted. This value can be negative. If not provided, the image's source natural height will be used.

srcWidth?: number

She width of the rectangle from which the Image Texture will be extracted. This value can be negative. If not provided, the image's source natural width will be used.

srcX?: number

The x coordinate of the reference point of the rectangle from which the Texture will be extracted. width and height are provided. And only works when createImageBitmap is available. Only works when createImageBitmap is supported on the browser.

srcY?: number

The y coordinate of the reference point of the rectangle from which the Texture will be extracted. Only used when source srcWidth width and srcHeight height are provided. Only works when createImageBitmap is supported on the browser.

strictBounds: boolean

By enabling Strict bounds the renderer will not process & render child nodes of a node that is out of the visible area


When enabled out of bound nodes, i.e. nodes that are out of the visible area, will NOT have their children processed and renderer anymore. This means the children of a out of bound node will not receive update processing such as positioning updates and will not be drawn on screen. As such the rest of the branch of the update tree that sits below this node will not be processed anymore

This is a big performance gain but may be disabled in cases where the width of the parent node is unknown and the render must process the child nodes regardless of the viewport status of the parent node


texture: null | Texture

The Node's Texture.


The texture defines a rasterized image that is contained within the width and height dimensions of the Node. If null, the Node will use an opaque white ColorTexture when being drawn, which essentially enables colors (including gradients) to be drawn.

If set, by default, the texture will be drawn, as is, stretched to the dimensions of the Node. This behavior can be modified by setting the TBD and TBD properties.

To create a Texture in order to set it on this property, call RendererMain.createTexture.

If the src is set on a Node, the Node will use the ImageTexture by default and the Node will simply load the image at the specified URL.

Note: If this is a Text Node, the Texture will be managed by the Node's TextRenderer and should not be set explicitly.

textureOptions: TextureOptions

Options to associate with the Node's Texture

width: number

The width of the Node.



x: number

The x coordinate of the Node's Mount Point.


See mountX and mountY for more information about setting the Mount Point.



y: number

The y coordinate of the Node's Mount Point.


See mountX and mountY for more information about setting the Mount Point.



zIndex: number

The Node's z-index.



zIndexLocked: number

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