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Layout and Positioning Elements

All elements require the following properties in order for the renderer to show them on the screen:

  • x - the x position of the Element in pixels, relative to it's parent - allows negative values
  • y - the y position of the Element in pixels, relative to it's parent - allows negative values
  • width - the width of the element in pixels
  • height - the height of the element in pixels

Components without a width and height value will inherit their parents width and height minus their x and y values. X and y will default to 0, 0 if not specified. The <Text> component does not require any properties (it will use the default text properties).


A fundamental tool for layout is Flex container. At the moment there is a very barebone flex implementation (display: flex). It supports flexDirection, justifyContent, alignItems and gap and is very useful for laying out elements in rows and columns.

import { View, Text } from '@lightningjs/solid';

const RowStyles = {
  display: 'flex',
  justifyContent: 'flexStart',
  width: 1760,
  height: 300,
  gap: 26,
  y: 400,
<View gap={12} style={RowStyles}>
  <Text>TV Shows</Text>
import { View, Text } from '@lightningjs/solid';

const RowStyles = {
  display: 'flex',
  justifyContent: 'flexStart',
  width: 1760,
  height: 300,
  gap: 26,
  y: 400,
<View gap={12} style={RowStyles}>
  <Text>TV Shows</Text>

Additionally, flex will automatically layout Text nodes. Anytime a View with display: flex has children which are text nodes it adds a listener for the text to load to set the width and height of the text elements and then calls updateLayout on the container to recalculate the flex layout.

Flex Properties

  • alignItems: 'flexStart' | 'flexEnd' | 'center'
  • display: 'flex'
  • flexDirection: 'row' | 'column'
  • gap: number
  • justifyContent: 'flexStart' | 'flexEnd' | 'center' | 'spaceBetween' | 'spaceEvenly'

You can put the following properties on the items to control the layout further.

  • marginBottom: number
  • marginLeft: number
  • marginRight: number
  • marginTop: number

alignItems supports flexStart, flexEnd, and center but requires it's container to have a height / width set.

Layout Callbacks

When layout occurs on a container with display: flex during initial rendering, updateLayout is called calculating flex layout. If you want to tie into the layout system you can use onBeforeLayout and onLayout hooks to update the element with the following signature (node, { width, height}). You can use this callback to resize the parent node before flex is calculated using onBeforeLayout and after flex with onLayout. If you do, call parent.updateLayout for it to also resize.

Additionally, if you ever reason a child element, call updateLayout on the parent to perform layout.