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Transitions / Animations

Transitions allow you to change properties smoothly over time. You can define which properties will animate via the transition property along with setting custom animationSettings. If you wish to reuse or use the default animationSettings, you can set the property value to true.

createEffect(on(activeElement, (elm) => {
    focusRingRef.x = elm.x;
}, { defer: true}))

<FocusRing ref={focusRingRef} transition={{ x: true, scale: { duration: 1500, easing: 'ease-in-out'} }} />
createEffect(on(activeElement, (elm) => {
    focusRingRef.x = elm.x;
}, { defer: true}))

<FocusRing ref={focusRingRef} transition={{ x: true, scale: { duration: 1500, easing: 'ease-in-out'} }} />

Transition can also be set in the style object and you have control over multiple properties:

const buttonStyle = {
  transition: {
    scale: { duration: 200, easing: 'ease-out'},
    alpha: { duration: 200, easing: 'ease-out'}
const buttonStyle = {
  transition: {
    scale: { duration: 200, easing: 'ease-out'},
    alpha: { duration: 200, easing: 'ease-out'}

Additionally, if you want all properties to transition you can set transition: true and an animationSettings property on the component to use for all transitions.

Direct Animations

For more complicated animations, you can access the Lightning renderer animate API directly:

let button;

onMount(() => {
  button.animate({ alpha: 1, scale: 1.1 }, { duration: 500 }).start();
<Button ref={button}>Movies</Button>;
let button;

onMount(() => {
  button.animate({ alpha: 1, scale: 1.1 }, { duration: 500 }).start();
<Button ref={button}>Movies</Button>;

To find out more about animations check out the renderer example.

You can also chain animations with

  .chain({ x: 50, y: 100 }, { duration: 100 })
  .chain({ x: 250, y: 200 }, { duration: 200 })
  .chain({ x: 50, y: 100 }) // will use { duration: 200 }
  .chain({ x: 250, y: 200 }, { duration: 100 })
  .chain({ x: 50, y: 100 }, { duration: 100 })
  .chain({ x: 250, y: 200 }, { duration: 200 })
  .chain({ x: 50, y: 100 }) // will use { duration: 200 }
  .chain({ x: 250, y: 200 }, { duration: 100 })

If you don't pass in animation settings as the second argument, it will default to the previously passed in value.

Default Animation Settings

You can set default animation settings for all transitions globally via Config.

import { Config } from '@lightningjs/solid';
Config.animationSettings = {
  duration: 250,
  delay: 0,
  repeat: 0,
  loop: false,
  stopMethod: false,
  easing: 'ease-in-out',
import { Config } from '@lightningjs/solid';
Config.animationSettings = {
  duration: 250,
  delay: 0,
  repeat: 0,
  loop: false,
  stopMethod: false,
  easing: 'ease-in-out',

Also you can disable all transitions with Config.animationsEnabled = false. This will not disable calls to .animate.