This function calculates the clipping rectangle for a node.
The function then checks if the node is rotated. If the node requires clipping and is not rotated, a new clipping rectangle is created based on the node's global transform and dimensions.
If a parent clipping rectangle exists, it is intersected with the node's clipping rectangle (if it exists), or replaces the node's clipping rectangle.
Finally, the node's parentClippingRect and clippingRect properties are updated.
parentClippingRect: RectWithValid
Returns void
calculateRenderCoords(): void
Returns void
calculateZIndex(): void
Returns void
checkBasicRenderability(): boolean
Checks if the node is renderable based on world alpha, dimensions and out of bounds status.
A visual Node in the Renderer scene graph that renders text.
A Text Node is a special type of Node that renders text using a specific text renderer, such as Web/Canvas or Signed Distance Field (SDF) text.
For non-text rendering, see INode.
Users of the Renderer API, should generally interact with ITextNode objects instead of CoreTextNode objects.