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Hooking into Lifecycle Events

Blits components follow a defined flow of lifecycle events. You can integrate specific logic into these events by specifying them in the hooks key of the Component configuration object.

For each available lifecycle event, you can define a function with the same name as the event itself. This function will then execute each time the lifecycle event is triggered for your component's instance. It's essential to use a regular function instead of an arrow function if you intend to access the this scope of your component instance.

Lifecycle Events

The following lifecycle events are available in Blits components.

  • init(): This event fires when the component is being instantiated, just before it sends its render instructions to the Lightning renderer. At this point, the elements of your template won't be available yet.

  • ready(): The ready event fires when the component instance is fully initialized and rendered, indicating that it's ready for interaction.

  • focus(): This event triggers whenever the component instance receives focus. It's important to note that this event can fire multiple times during the component's lifecycle, depending on user interactions.

  • unfocus(): The unfocus event fires whenever the component instance loses focus. Similar to the focus event, it can occur multiple times during the component's lifecycle.

  • destroy(): The destroy event fires when the component is being destroyed and removed. This event provides an opportunity to perform any custom cleanup operations before the component is removed.

export default Blits.Component('MyComponent', {
  // ...
  hooks: {
    init() {
      // Logic to execute on init event
    ready() {
      // Logic to execute on ready event
    focus() {
      // Logic to execute on focus event
    unfocus() {
      // Logic to execute on unfocus event
    destroy() {
      // Logic to execute on destroy event