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In some cases, you may want to execute specific actions whenever the value of a state variable, a prop, or a computed property changes. These actions could involve dispatching an event or updating another state variable.

You might be tempted to handle this functionality inside a computed property, but this is not recommended. Computed properties should not have side effects, to prevent the risk of falling into an endless loop.

Instead, Blits allows you to specify watchers to trigger functionality when certain variables change.

Using Watchers

Within the watch key of the Component configuration object, you can define an object of watcher functions.

The name of each function should correspond with the name of the state variable, the prop, or the computed property that you want to observe. Whenever the value of the observed target changes, the respective watcher function will be invoked.

The watcher function receives two arguments: the new value and the old value of the observed property. This allows you to perform specific actions based on the changes.

  state() {
    return {
      alpha: 0.2
  watch: {
    alpha(value, oldValue) {
      if(value > oldValue) {
        // Execute some logic when the 'alpha' value increases

In this example, whenever the value of state variable alpha changes, the alpha watcher function will be invoked. The function checks if the new value is greater than the old value and executes custom logic accordingly.