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Displaying Text

Besides displaying images, it is also very common to have texts in an App.

Blits comes with a built-in <Text>-tag for displaying and styling texts in a simple and intuitive way.

  content="Hello world"

You can use the Text-tag anywhere in your template, without the need to explicitly import and register it in your Component.

Available attributes on the Text tag

The Text-tag accepts the following attributes:

  • content - the text to be displayed. Can be a hardcoded text, a dynamic value, or a reactive value
  • font - the font family, defaults to sans-serif, or the default font specified in the launch settings
  • size - the font size, defaults to 32
  • color - the color to display for the text, defaults to white and can be any of the supported Blits color formats (HTML, hexadecimal or rgb(a))
  • letterspacing - letterspacing in pixels, defaults to 0
  • align - the alignment of the text, can be left, right, or center, defaults to left. Centering text and aligning text to the right requires the maxwidth attribute to be set as well.
  • maxwidth - the max length of a line of text in pixels, words surpassing this length will be broken and wrapped onto the next line. This attribute is required when aligning center or right. Previously this attribute was wordwrap, which has now been deprecated in favour of maxwidth.
  • maxlines - maximum number of lines that will be displayed
  • maxheight - maximum height of a text block, lines that don't fit within this height will not be displayed
  • lineheight - the spacing between lines in pixels
  • contain - the strategy for containing text within the bounds, can be none (default), width, or both. In most cases, the value of this attribute will automatically be set by Blits, based on the other specified attributes
  • textoverflow - the suffix to be added when text is cropped due to bounds limits, defaults to ... (see more details here)

Text dimensions

When you want to center your Text element, or properly position other Elements around your text, it is useful know the exact dimensions of your text.

Similar to the Image element (i.e. an Element with a src), Text elements also accept the @loaded attribute. This event is called, as soon as the text is rendered, and passes in the dimensions of the generated text texture.

The example below shows how to use the @loaded-attribute to position an Element as an underline, under a piece of text.

export default Blits.Component('MyComponent', {
  template: `
      <Text :content="$myText" @loaded="$textLoaded" />
      <!-- gray underline -->
      <Element :w="$w" h="2" y="$y" color="#333" />
  props: ['myText'],
  state() {
    return {
      w: 0,
      y: 0,
  methods: {
    textLoaded(dimensions) {
      console.log(`The text has a width of ${dimensions.w} and a height of ${dimensions.h}`)
      // set the underline width to the exact width of the text
      this.w = dimensions.w
      // position the underline 8px below the text
      this.y = dimensions.h + 8

Text overflow

The text renderer offers the ability to display a text overflow suffix when the text exceeds the bounds of the Text component.

This functionality is automatically enabled, but requires that both a horizontal boundary (using maxwidth) and a vertical boundary (using maxlines or maxheight) are specified on the Text component.

The textoverflow-attribute itself is not required, unless you want to use another suffix than the standard .... If you want no suffix (and just a hard cutoff), thetextoverflow-attribute should be set to false or an empty string.

SDF and Canvas2d

Compared to Lightning 2, texts have improved a lot in Lightning 3, thanks to the SDF (Signed Distance Field) Text renderer.

With the SDF text renderer, texts appear a lot sharper on screen. The SDF technique also allows for better scaling of texts, without them becoming blurry - a well-known painpoint in Lightning 2 Apps.

In general, it's recommended to use the SDF text renderer, but Lightning 3 still has a Canvas2d text renderer as a backup, and you can use both text renderers within the same App.

Using custom fonts

The font-attribute on the <Text>-tag is used to define which font family should be used for a certain piece of text.

When you create a new Blits app using the available getting started boilerplate you'll be able to use the lato (Lato regular) and raleway (Raleway ExtraBold) fonts out of the box.

But of course, you can also use any custom font that you want, to give your App the unique look and feel that fits with the design.

Adding is custom font to a Blits App is quite straightforward. First, you'll need to place a .ttf, .woff or .otf version of your font in the public folder (i.e. public/fonts/comic-sans.ttf).

Then you'll need to register the custom font in the Launch settings of your app (in src/index.js). The fonts-key in the settings is an Array that specifies all available fonts in your App.

Just add a new font object with the necessary details:

  fonts: [
    // ...
      family: 'ComicSans', // the font name used in your App
      type: 'msdf', // type of text renderer to use (msdf or web)
      file: 'fonts/Comic-Sans.ttf', // location of the ttf file
    // ..

From this moment on you'll be able to use the font ComicSans anywhere in your App:

<Text font="ComicSans" content="I'm Comic Sans font!" />

Custom characters

For MSDF font, a font atlas is created. By default this atlas includes all printable main ASCII characters. If you know before hand that you won't need certain characters, it would be more optimal to generate only those characters that are actually needed.

Similarly, if you need characters outside of the default set, like accents or other special characters, then these will need to be included in the generated font atlas.

In order to control which characters are generated for a specific font, you can add a font config file per font inside the assets/fonts folder. Its name should match the name of the font file, like so: myfont.config.json.

The config file should look something like this:

  "charset": "0123456789éåaü"

With the configuration above, only numbers and the specified letters with accents will be generated (i.e. the default character set is overwritten).

Please note that only special characters and accents that are part of the original font can be added to the generated font atlas. Other characters will show up as a ?.